Tag Archives: wonder

Meditation Time

Sharing a Free event again brought to you by the wonderful Chopra Center.


Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with life.

Join us on August 5 for a transformational three-week guided meditation journey into the heart of true love. Discover the wonder that exists within and then watch all of your relationships unfold effortlessly, easily, and miraculously.

In our interactive online program we invite you to meditate and journal with us each day to embrace your true essence, expand your understanding of divine relationship, and experience unparalleled connection with the world around you.

We encourage you to register now for our all-new 21-Day Meditation Challenge – Miraculous Relationships.

What I always tell people who say they can not quiet the mind… you don’t need to… Just tune in for the 12-20 minutes and turn off the cell phone, the updates, the rush of your life and listen, be present in the moment. Listen to the lesson with the beautiful music, then sit in quite for a few minutes and then listen to the end prayer. You do NOT need to be any type of religious person for this to change your life.

Remember it’s much easier to complain about our life and it not meeting our demands then to take the time to change. I vote for change 🙂

Peace in =’s Peace out

Be the love of life

How to live like a boss, holistically.

Pearls of Perception

There is so much more yet to be discovered, whether its a simple passage from a book, a quote, a poem a simple thought, photograph or landscape from a master.

Life as a Garden

Exploring how we can live our lives with purpose and joy.

Yoga Gangsters

Yoga Gangsters empowers youth by addressing the symptoms of trauma and poverty such as limited education, addiction, violence, incarceration, teen pregnancy, HIV, and more through the practice of yoga.

Blogging my way to 65kg

Food, exercise. Good days, bad days.

Ashtanga Yoga Italia

Il tuo spazio intimo e protetto in cui praticare ASHTANGA YOGA a Milano con la guida di ROSA TAGLIAFIERRO, insegnante autorizzata KPJAYI/SYC

Your Spiritual Rockstar Moment

To Nurture and Support The Inner Awakenings of Rock Musicians Everywhere

The ancient eavesdropper

Nature's nuances in a nutshell

Bloggers For Peace

People Engaged Aligned Committed Evolving